The original version of this document is in French. The original version will serve as a reference in case of discrepancy between a translated version of this agreement and the French version.
Updated January 1, 2021.

The present General Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as “GTU”) are intended to govern access to and use of the services of SAS Ecomnews, including in particular all the functionalities accessible on the site as well as email notifications, mobile applications, APIs, buttons and widgets (hereinafter referred to as “Site”, “Ecomnews Afrique” or “Services”), and all information, texts, images or photos, videos or more generally all the content placed online (hereinafter referred to as “Content”).

The present GCU govern the relationship between SAS Ecomnews, hereinafter referred to as “the publisher”, on the one hand, and the users of Ecomnews, as identified by themselves when creating their account on the Site, hereinafter referred to as “the user” or “the users”. ON THE OTHER HAND.

1.Legal notices

Ecomnews head office : Cap Omega, rond point Benjamin Franklin, 34 000 Montpellier . Approved by the BIC of the Metropolis of Montpellier
TEL : 04 67 47 70 95

Ecomnews share capital : 63 850 euros

SIRET : 809 555 626 000 13

Mail :

RCS of Montpellier : 15B00426

Individual tax identification number : FR 96 809 555 626 000 13

President of Ecomnews : François Fontes ( Hugar)

Managing Director and Editorial Director : Denys Bedarride N°80607

Website : / /

Host : OVEA 59 rue Nelson Mandela 34070 Montpellier

CNIL declaration number: MNw15129116

The Commission Paritaire des Publications et Agences de Presse (CPPAP) has recognized as of 08/09/2015 to the website ” The quality of online press service, in application of article 1 of the law n°86-187 of August 1st, 1986 reforming the legal regime of the press “. Its official number of CPPAP is: 0922 W 92798. For the site,, the request is in progress.

2. Use of Ecomnews

By this acceptance, the user acknowledges that he/she is obliged to comply with the rules laid down by the publisher and with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, whether local, national or international.

The use of Ecomnews implies acceptance of these TOS and is only possible if the user has the capacity to enter into a contract with Ecomnews.

In case of acceptance of the present TOS and of use of Ecomnews on behalf of an association, a company, a community, an organization, a government or any other legal entity, the user declares to be capable of doing so and guarantees it to us.

Ecomnews may discontinue providing the Services to its users without prior notice.

The present TOS can be modified by the editor, at any time and without notice. The user is therefore invited to regularly consult their latest updated version, available to all and permanently accessible on the Site’s index, by clicking on the link “Ecomnews Conditions” or once connected by clicking on the “Conditions” link in the drop-down menu of the navigation bar.

Ecomnews reserves the right to set limits on the use of its services and the storage of content at any time and without notice.

In case of refusal of the modification, the user will not have to use the site any more and the Editor reserves the right to remove his account without being able to claim any compensation.

3.Processing of user’s personal information

In accordance with the provisions of the law of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the processing of personal data carried out from the website “” has been subject to a declaration to the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL) under the number to be completed.
Thus, the publisher informs the user that he is responsible for the processing of information concerning him, that this collection of information (surname, first name and email address) is intended to identify the user on the Site and that he has the right to modify them later.

Any user has the possibility of opposing, for legitimate reasons, to appear in a file.

Any user may refuse without justification that the data concerning him be used for prospecting purposes, in particular commercial.

Any user proving his identity has the right to question the publisher ( in order to find out if he has information about him, and if necessary, to obtain communication thereof.

Any user can read all the data concerning him and obtain a copy, the cost of which cannot exceed that of reproduction.

4.Right of use of Ecomnews Africa

The site is the exclusive and timeless property of the publisher. As such, it grants a free, personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to access and use the Site subject to the user’s acceptance and compliance with the T&Cs. All other rights are excluded without the prior consent of the publisher. The content (other than that of the user or that of other users) includes or is accessible on and/or through the Site, in particular any text, graphics, logos, sounds, names, trademarks, designations, icons, images, data, photographs, tabs, videos or any other data, materials or software that constitute the “Ecomnews content” is the exclusive and timeless property of the publisher, is protected by intellectual property law and is subject to the laws and regulations applicable in matter. Under no circumstances may Ecomnews content be downloaded, copied, altered, modified, deleted, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, sold, rented, licensed or exploited (in whole or in part) in any way whatsoever, without the agreement express and written by the publisher.
The user agrees in this regard not to use or exploit the Ecomnews content for purposes other than those provided for in these T&Cs. Furthermore, the user is not authorized to modify, improve, edit, translate, decompile, disassemble or create one or more derivative work(s) from the Ecomnews content (in whole or in part), unless this possibility has been expressly granted to him in writing by the publisher or the owner(s) of the content in question.

5.Rules of good conduct

User agrees not to post User Content that:
– is sexually explicit or pornographic in nature;

– can cause damage to any person;

– is intended to harm or exploit children by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking them for personal data or otherwise;

– violates or encourages conduct that is not in accordance with the laws or regulations;

– contains any information or content that we believe is hateful, violent, hurtful, abusive, racist or ethnically offensive, defamatory, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, harassing or humiliating other people (whether publicly or otherwise), libelous, threatening, profane or otherwise objectionable;

– contains any unlawful information or content (including, without limitation, disclosing inside information under securities law or trade secrets of another party);

– infringes the intellectual property rights, privacy rights, personality rights or any other personal or property rights of a third party;

– contains any information or content that you do not have the right to make public under any law or under any contractual or fiduciary relationship;

– is fraudulent, false, misleading or misleading.

The user agrees not to engage in the following prohibited activities:
– in the Service, the Ecomnews name, trademark, logo, any other confidential information or the layout and design of any page, without our express written consent;

– access, alter or use the non-public areas of the service, our computer systems or the technical systems of our suppliers;

– attempt to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of any Ecomnews system or network, or to circumvent any authentication or security measures;

– avoid, disobey, remove, disable, alter, decrypt or otherwise circumvent any technical measure implemented by Ecomnews or by one of its suppliers or any other third party (including another user) to protect the services or the Ecomnews content;

– attempt to access or search for Services, User Content or Ecomnews Content, or otherwise attempt to extract or download User Content or Ecomnews Content from the Services, or otherwise attempt to use, import content, create new links, reposts or referrers within the Service through the use of any type of engine, software, tool, agent, device or mechanism (including automated scripts, spiders, robots, web crawlers, data mining tools or the like) other than software and/or search agents provided by Ecomnews or other known third party web browsers;

– send spam (unsolicited or unauthorized e-mail), post comment spam, advertisements, promotional content, e-mail, junk mail, chain letters or any other form of solicitation ;

– use the service for commercial purposes or for the benefit of a third party or in any other way not authorized by these Conditions, except in cases where you are explicitly authorized to do so by Ecomnews;

– use Ecomnews users’ information to forge any type of TCP-IP packet header or any part of the header data of any e-mail or newsgroup posting, or use the services, in any way, to send altered, misleading or false information or whose source is false;

– attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any software used to provide the Services;

– interfere or attempt to interfere with the access of any user, host or network, including, but not limited to, sending a virus, intentionally overloading servers, flooding, “spamming” or ” mail-bombing” of the Services;

– collect or store any type of personally identifiable information from the services belonging to other users of the services without their express authorization;

– impersonate someone or misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity;

– violate any applicable law or regulation;

– request, collect or store usernames, passwords or any other account authentication information belonging to other users;

– encourage or allow another person to engage in any of the prohibited activities as stipulated in these rules of use.
En savoir plus sur good

6. Your Rights to User Content

User content posted privately or publicly is the responsibility of the user from whom the content originated. The user can:
– Create your user profile, modify it, delete it. The user is informed as such that the overpressure of his user profile will automatically lead to the deletion of all the linked content.

– Launch an idea box and delete it, the user is informed as such that the deletion of an idea box will automatically lead to the deletion of all the ideas (comments and answers included) associated with it.

– Suggest an idea and delete it, the user is informed as such that the deletion of an idea will automatically lead to the deletion of all comments (including responses) associated with it;

– Submit a comment and delete it, the user is informed as such that the deletion of a comment will automatically lead to the deletion of all the responses associated with it;

– Provide an answer and delete it.

Deleting content makes the content invisible to all users and copies may persist for some time.
As soon as the user publishes user content on the site, he gives up his intellectual property right. The published content automatically becomes visible to all users of the Site and to any other person who consults the said content on the site or on any other platform.

As such, the user declares to accept that they have, free of charge and personally, the ability to view, interact and share the content of the user on the Site or from the Site, on other tools. electronic communications (including mobile telephony), or on other sites, without time limit and without compensation or recognition to the user.

Regarding the content of other users:
– The user has the free and personal ability to view, interact and share the user content of other users on the Site or from the Site, on other electronic communication tools (including mobile telephony), or on other sites, and this, for the entire duration of the hosting of the User Content on the Site.

– the user can report user content that does not comply with article 4 of these “Rules of good conduct” (hereinafter “abuse”) using a button present next to each user content. As such, any content that has been reported in a suggestion box is transmitted to the user who launched the box.
En savoir plus sur rights

7.Publisher’s Rights to User Content

Ecomnews reserves the right to remove user content as soon as it does not comply with the “Rules of good conduct” enacted in article 4 hereof.
The publisher reserves the right to reproduce the user content on the Site or any other communication medium deemed necessary and, as necessary, adapt the format for this purpose and without time limit. As such, the user expressly authorizes the publisher to use the user content for all promotional campaigns that it will undertake without compensation or recognition towards the user.

The publisher will not be held responsible for the risks of misappropriation and / or piracy against the data transmitted and / or user content. It is therefore up to him to take all appropriate measures to protect his data and user content.

8.User responsibility

The user is required to comply with the legal and regulatory provisions in force concerning the personal data and the user content that he provides to the Site.
It is therefore up to the user to ensure that the dissemination of data and user content does not constitute a violation of the rights of third parties, an attack on persons, respect for privacy and an attack on public order. and morality (for more details, see article 4 of these “Rules of good conduct”).

Thus, by putting personal data and user content online, the user guarantees that he holds all the rights and authorizations necessary for the publication of these elements. If this is not the case, the publisher disclaims all liability and as such informs the user that he incurs criminal penalties which may result in the payment of damages to the victim and prison sentences and /or a fine against him.

The user thus assumes all responsibility for the publication and use of content on Ecomnews. Also, we strongly recommend that the user respect the rules of good conduct laid down in article 4 of these T&Cs.

Any content that does not respect the rules of good conduct, the rights of third parties or the laws or regulations in force, will be deleted, as will the account of the deviating user.


The user must choose a password when registering and can change it afterwards.
The user undertakes to keep this password confidential, not to communicate it, not to allow a third party to access his account or to compromise its security.

The user is responsible for the use and protection of the password chosen to access the Services and the Publisher cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever resulting from a breach by the user. to the above.

Ecomnews strongly recommends that the user use a password consisting of a combination of several upper and lower case letters, several numbers and special characters.

10. La responsabilité de l’éditeur

L’éditeur s’engage à fournir le service conformément aux CGU.
L’éditeur ne vérifie pas la véracité des informations fournies par les Utilisateurs et décline toute responsabilité quand à l’inexactitude, l’inadéquation ou l’illicité desdites informations.

L’éditeur ne pourra en aucun cas, être tenu responsable des données informations et/ou du contenu fournis pas un utilisateur accessible ou non au public, de l’absence de véracité desdites données, informations ou contenu, des erreurs ou omissions qu’ils pourraient comporter, ainsi que des dommages consécutifs à l’utilisation de tout contenu fourni par un utilisateur, affiché ou transmis sur le Site de toute manière que se soit.

L’éditeur n’a pas d’obligation générale de surveillance du contenu utilisateur et des données partagées sur le Site, à ce titre il n’a pas d’obligation de suppression de contenu manifestement illicite.

L’éditeur ne pourra en aucun cas être tenu responsable de toute conséquence qui pourrait survenir au cours ou à l’issue, de rencontre ou prises de contact entre plusieurs utilisateurs ou non utilisateurs, suite à l’utilisation du Site.

L’éditeur se réserve le droit, à tout moment et sans préavis de modifier toute information figurant sur le Site dans le cadre d’une mise à jour ou de la correction d’erreurs ou d’inexactitudes.

L’éditeur n’est pas responsable du contenu des sites internet tiers vers lesquels renvoient des liens hypertextes présents sur le Site. Si l’éditeur est jugé conformément à la loi applicable comme responsable d’un dommage non prévu ci-dessus, sa responsabilité sera limité aux dommages certains, réels et établis.

Aucune opinion exprimée sur les Services n’est soutenu par Ecomnews.

L’éditeur fait appel à des services extérieurs, dont les conditions de services sont consultables ici :

11. Durée et résiliation 

Le contrat est conclu pour une durée indéterminée à compter de l’acceptation par l’utilisateur des présentes CGU.
De plein droit, l’éditeur se réserve le droit de suspendre immédiatement l’accès au Site à un utilisateur qui ne respecterait pas les règles édictées par les présentes CGU ou qui irait à l’encontre de l’intérêt de Ecomnews. L’utilisateur en sera informé par courrier électronique et devra sous 48h cesser sa mauvaise utilisation du Site, sous peine d’une suppression pure et simple de son compte.

En outre, dés lors que le contenu diffusé ne respectera pas les règles de bonne conduite le compte utilisateur pourra être supprimé sans préavis tel que prévu à l’article 6 des présentes.

L’utilisateur peut se désinscrire à tout moment du Site en suivant la procédure suivante :

– Aller à la page « Paramètres »

– Cliquer sur le bouton « Supprimer mon compte » puis sur « Enregistrer »

Enfin, si l’utilisateur cesse d’utiliser les services pendant une durée prolongée sans se désinscrire, l’éditeur se réserve le droit de résilier ou suspendre son compte.

12. Disponibilité du Site

Le Site est par principe accessible 24/24h, 7/7j, sauf interruption, programmée ou non, pour les besoins de sa maintenance ou cas de force majeure. Etant de fait soumis à une obligation de moyens, nous ne saurions être tenus responsable de tout dommage, quelle qu’en soit la nature, résultant d’une indisponibilité du Site.

13. Preuve, conservation et archivage

Les registres informatisés conservés dans nos systèmes dans le respect des règles de l’art en matière de sécurité, seront considérés comme preuves des communications de courriers électroniques, envois de formulaire d’inscription, création de boîtes, suggestions d’idées et postages de commentaires et de réponses. L’archivage des formulaires d’inscription est effectué sur un support de nature à assurer le caractère fidèle et durable requis par les dispositions légales en vigueur. Il est convenu qu’en cas de divergence entre nos registres informatisés et les documents au format papier ou électronique dont vous disposez, nos registres informatisés feront foi.

14. Litiges et limitations de responsabilité

Cet article a pour objet de limiter la responsabilité de Ecomnews, ses sociétés, ses dirigeants, ses employés et ses partenaires (ci-après désignés collectivement les « Entités Ecomnews »)
L’utilisateur accède aux Services et Contenus de Ecomnews à ses risques et périls.

Les Services sont fournis « en l’état » et « tels quels » par Ecomnews, excluant toutes garanties expresses ou implicites, de qualité marchande, d’adéquation à un usage particulier ou de non-violation.

Les Entités Ecomnews ne peuvent garantir que ses Services soient toujours sûrs, sécurisés, exempts d’erreurs ou ne fonctionnent sans interruptions et en décline la responsabilité.

Les Entités Ecomnews déclinent également toute responsabilité en matière de dommages subis par un système informatique, en cas de pertes de données ou d’autres dommages résultants de l’accès ou l’utilisation des Services ou des Contenus.

Les Entités Ecomnews excluent leur responsabilité en cas de dommages indirects, de perte de profit ou de revenus résultant de l’accès des utilisateurs aux Services, de leur utilisation ou de l’incapacité d’accéder aux Services.

Les présentes conditions sont soumises à la loi française. Toutes réclamations, litiges ou poursuites judiciaires sont de la compétence exclusive des tribunaux de Montpellier, même pour les procédures d’urgence ou conservatoire en référé ou par requête, nonobstant pluralité de défendeurs ou appel en garantie.