#Climate #COP27 #Environment #Africa
Denys Bédarride
4 November 2022 Last update on Friday, November 4, 2022 At 7:00 AM

Ahead of the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP27, taking place in Egypt in November, the African Development Bank and the Global Center for Adaptation participated in a series of events in the framework of the African Climate Week in order to obtain a consensus between African countries and stakeholders.

Called the COP of Africa, COP27 will shape the future significantly. But achieving adaptation results requires a transformative adaptation agenda now.

Titled “Adaptation Dialogue: Implementing the Vision”, the session provided an opportunity to call for stronger collaboration on adaptation across Africa.

Speakers highlighted the progress made so far by the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP) – including how it is contributing to narrowing the adaptation gaps and accelerating the roll-out of the Adaptation Initiative. Adaptation in Africa (IAA). The AAI is a bold and innovative step taken by Africa to mobilize the support needed to scale up adaptation on the continent.

Speaking on behalf of Kevin Kariuki, Vice President of the African Development Bank in charge of Power, Energy, Climate Change and Green Growth, Al-Hamndou Dorsouma, Acting Director of the Change Department Climate Change and Green Growth of the Bank, stressed the urgency of accelerating the implementation of adaptation measures.

Al-Hamndou Dorsouma called for accelerating action against climate change, while reducing, quickly and significantly, greenhouse gas emissions, in order to avoid an increase in the loss of human life, biodiversity and infrastructure . Progress on adaptation is proving uneven, with growing gaps between what is being done and what is needed to manage growing risks, he said.

The Senior Director and Regional Director for Africa of the Global Center for Adaptation, Anthony Nyong, also stressed the need to improve climate resilience and adaptation in Africa. And to indicate that, according to estimates, the cost of climate change would amount to 579 billion dollars by 2030, with global financing rather oriented towards mitigation. Only 7.2% of international funding goes to climate adaptation.

Special Advisor to the President of Gabon and Permanent Secretary of the National Climate Council, Tanguy Gahouma-Bekale said that he subscribed to the Acceleration Program for Adaptation in Africa (AAAP), a major vehicle for implementing the Adaptation Initiative in Africa, which intends to mobilize 25 billion dollars to accelerate climate adaptation measures in Africa.

Led by Africa, the AAAP aims to be Africa’s response to its needs and priorities, to reduce its vulnerability to climate change and exploit the resulting opportunities.

Since its launch in April 2021, the AAAP Upstream Finance Facility, managed by the Global Center for Adaptation, has helped mainstream more than $3 billion in climate adaptation investments.

Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB)

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