South Africa is overhauling its government. Ten ministries are involved, including Finance, State Security and Health Kenya: UK to invest $ 184 million in industry and energy South Africa : Maize harvest reached 16.8 million tonnes in 2020/2021, up + 6% Republic of Senegal and Team Europe support agree to build a manufacturing plant to produce vaccines against COVID-19 and other endemic diseases Africa : 26 African countries to receive significant assistance from WHO for procurement and deployment of anti-Covid vaccines Covid-19: African countries win the race against time with testing laboratories Gabon and Ghana to sit on the United Nations Security Council from January 2022 to the end of 2023, replacing Niger and Tunisia UAE has suspended entry permits for passengers from Zambia, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Africa: Nine million more workers pushed into extreme poverty in 2020 South Africa: Unemployment hits record 32.6% of population