#EconomicAnalysis #Economy #Food #News #Zimbabwe
Denys Bédarride
21 December 2020 Last update on Monday, December 21, 2020 At 5:49 PM

Zimbabwe's food situation remains worrying. Between the coronavirus and the financial crisis, many households have been weakened. The World Food Program has just launched an appeal to raise $ 204 million to assist 4 million people.

The World Food Program (WFP) launched an international appeal on December 17 to mobilize $ 204 million to help 4 million hungry people in Zimbabwe.

The envelope will specifically provide urgent and minimal food assistance to 3.5 million people in rural areas and 500,000 urbanites over the next 6 months. While the country has been facing an economic recession for two years which has weakened many households, the WFP stresses that the coronavirus has further worsened this situation and worsened the country’s food security.

“More than half of Zimbabweans in rural areas skip their meals, settle for small amounts or sell their most valuable possessions to access food. We are concerned that if WFP does not secure the funds to reach the 4 million people, families will be pushed to their limits, ”said Francesca Erdelmann, WFP representative in Zimbabwe.

According to WFP estimates, Zimbabwe spent $ 458 million on food imports in the first 9 months of 2020, more than triple the value recorded a year earlier in the same period.

Source Ecofin Agency