#Croissance #EconomicAnalysis #Economy #Europe #SouthAfrica #Vaccination #Africa
Denys Bédarride
24 January 2022 Last update on Monday, January 24, 2022 At 11:06 AM

During 2021, foreign direct investment (FDI) flows to Africa grew by 147%. This is what the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) indicates in its new report on foreign investment in the world.

According to the institution, the continent recorded $97 billion in FDI last year against $39 billion a year earlier. From one continent to another, this evolution is the second strongest after that of Europe where the flow of FDI recorded an increase of 1450%.

“Most recipients on the continent have experienced a moderate increase in FDI; the total for the region more than doubled, inflated by a single intra-company financial transaction in South Africa, in the second half of 2021”, notes UNCTAD, which nevertheless adds that “the pace of vaccinations, in particular in developing countries , and the speed of implementation of measures to stimulate infrastructure investment remain important factors of uncertainty”.

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