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#Children #Economy #Education #Financial #News #Training #Uk #Tanzania
Agence Ecofin
13 April 2022 Last update on Wednesday, April 13, 2022 At 7:30 AM

Despite the progress made in recent years, the Tanzanian education system is struggling to meet 100% of the needs expressed by its population. In full strengthening of its relations with its African partners, London wants to make this sector a new axis of cooperation with Dodoma.

Tanzania will receive $116 million in funding from the UK to implement a strategy to boost children’s access to education. It was launched by Vicky Ford, British Minister for Africa, during an organized visit to the country on Monday 4 April.

Dubbed “Shule Bora,” the new program aims to improve learning outcomes for children, with a particular focus on girls, children with disabilities and those living in disadvantaged areas.

In total, more than 4 million of them should benefit from a quality education thanks to this program which will consist in particular in better training teachers and helping “the government to improve the quality-price ratio of the education provided at the school”. According to USAID, 66% of teachers in Tanzania say they do not have adequate materials in their classrooms to teach reading, writing and arithmetic.

“The UK is a world leader in education, and we firmly believe that education is crucial to leveling the playing field across the world. We remain determined to improve access to quality education in Africa,” said Vicky Ford.

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