joe biden
#Cooperation #Food #Government #News #Security #UnitedStates #Africa
Agence Ecofin
27 July 2022 Last update on Wednesday, July 27, 2022 At 7:30 AM

In full tension with Russia, which is making important diplomatic advances in Africa, the United States wants to strengthen its position on the continent. Washington has also been losing momentum for several years against the Chinese giant.

US President Joe Biden will host a US-Africa summit in December 2022. The announcement was made by US authorities in a statement released on July 20.

According to the document, the meeting will take place from December 13 to 15. It will allow Washington to discuss with its African partners points of cooperation on several subjects, in particular those concerning food security in the midst of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and climate change. It will also be an opportunity for the various stakeholders to make a new economic commitment and reaffirm their intentions to promote peace and democracy.

“This summit will demonstrate America’s enduring commitment to Africa, and underscore the importance of U.S.-Africa relations and increased cooperation on shared global priorities,” the president said. American in the press release.

This announcement comes as the USA, which has been losing momentum for several years in Africa, is trying to catch up with China, the continent’s largest trading partner, but presented by Washington as a bad model to follow. If under former President Donald Trump, the continent has been relegated to the background of the foreign policy of the country of Uncle Sam, the arrival of Democrat Joe Biden in power has raised hopes for a strengthening of relations between the two parts.

As a conflict unfolds in Ukraine which has economic repercussions for the entire world and which has seen the political divide between Westerners and Russia widen, the December summit could be an opportunity for Washington to strengthen its positions on the continent against Moscow, which for several years has made remarkable progress there in terms of diplomatic and security relations.

According to a source close to the matter who confided in Reuters, about fifty African leaders should participate in the summit.

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