#Education #Schools #Africa
Denys Bédarride
26 January 2023 Last update on Thursday, January 26, 2023 At 12:30 PM

International Schools Database has published a database to help choose the best international education offers in the world. According to data collected in 2022, learners in international schools in Africa pay less than others.

Africa continues to offer the lowest costs for international tuition compared to other regions of the world. This is one of the conclusions of the report published on Tuesday, January 17 by International Schools Database, a one-stop shop to search, find and compare schools in several cities around the world.

The report compares the prices of international schools in 76 cities around the world. Only cities with 7 or more international schools were considered. Note that the concept of international schools refers to schools that offer international training programs and diplomas (American or British system) with English as the main language.

The report includes six African cities namely Nairobi in Kenya, Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, Johannesburg and Cape Town in South Africa, Kampala in Uganda and Casablanca in Morocco. All are among the 20 cheapest cities. Of the total of 76 cities, Nairobi ranks 57th, Addis Ababa (64th), Johannesburg and Kampala (69th and 70th respectively), Casablanca (74th) and Cape Town (75th).

In Cape Town, the second cheapest destination in the world and the first in Africa, the average price for international schools (4,051 USD) is 10 times lower than in New York City (43,100 USD). The city of Nairobi is once again the most expensive destination in Africa with an average price of 7,310 USD.

Two African cities, Kampala and Johannesburg, are in close competition with each other for the second consecutive year. Johannesburg has overtaken Kampala as the third most expensive city in Africa for the cost of international schools, while Kampala now falls below that in fourth place. However, there are very few differences in the median price for the two cities.

This report, whose data has been collected up to December 31, 2022, aims to help local and expatriate parents choose the ideal international school for their children by allowing them to search and compare international schools across the world.

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