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#Economy #Emergency #Finance #Food #FoodInsecure #Health #Humanitarian #UnitedStates #USAID #WorldBank #Ethiopia
Agence Ecofin
1 May 2022 Last update on Sunday, May 1, 2022 At 7:30 AM

According to USAID data, one million people living in northern Ethiopia are close to starvation. In Tigray, 90% of the inhabitants need humanitarian assistance. The international community continues to mobilize to help the country.

Ethiopia will benefit from humanitarian aid estimated at nearly $313 million from the United States. The announcement was made by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), via a press release posted on its website.

This support will enable the strengthening of emergency food and nutrition assistance, community health facilities and mobile health teams, in order to fight infectious diseases, and will also strengthen logistical support to deliver aid to people in the remote and hard to reach areas. It also aims to provide humanitarian protection services such as support for survivors of gender-based violence, psychosocial services and child protection activities.

The initiative targets in particular the regions of Afar, Amhara and Tigray located in northern Ethiopia, and plagued by armed conflict and humanitarian need. USAID estimates that around 9 million people face “severe food insecurity” and more than 2 million people are displaced due to the conflict.

US aid will provide an answer to nearly 7 million people. In addition, the United States called on the parties in conflict to strengthen actions in favor of a lull, the only way to “move towards a resilient future”.

“While humanitarian assistance is essential to save lives, a political solution is the only way to end the suffering of the Ethiopian people,” the statement said.

The war between the Tigray Local Defense Forces and the Ethiopian Federal Army, coupled with the drought in the region and the current global situation marked by inflation have greatly increased the humanitarian needs in the country. Several partners are mobilizing to improve the difficult living conditions of the populations.

Last February, the United States granted more than 39 million dollars to the African country to deal with the drought which has already caused significant crop losses, severe water shortages and livestock deaths. A little over a week ago, the World Bank decided to support the victims of the Ethiopian crisis, thanks to a grant of 300 million dollars.

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