#Education #Investment #Schools #USAID #Ghana
Agence Ecofin
7 September 2023 Last update on Thursday, September 7, 2023 At 8:00 AM

The project aims to improve the provision of basic education in the north of the country. This commitment will focus on the private sector through the training of trainers and establishment leaders.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has launched a project to support low-cost private schools in northern Ghana. In a statement released Friday, August 18, the organization announced that it will allocate $14.39 million to this project.

“The $14 million activity we are launching today will support low-cost private schools that serve rural and disadvantaged communities. This activity will enable these schools to improve education access, quality and student learning outcomes, and increase private sector investment in Northern Ghana,” said Grace Lang, Principal USAID Assistant.

The program, which is supported by the Ghanaian Ministry of Education, will expand access to 213 selected low-cost private schools in northern Ghana. In these schools, it will be a question of strengthening the business skills of school leaders, but also of training teachers in best practices based on data, and of conducting the certification of untrained teachers.

The initiative is scheduled to take place over a period of five years. During this period, the targeted schools will strive to reach a viable financial situation in order to be able to capture other funding after the project.

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